
This massive tree once sparkled like gold, but has now mostly dimmed, and black scarring veins mar its appearance. Hidden deep within the Sequoia Forest, it is guarded by Giant Pokemon, making it nearly impossible to get close enough to study. Some say life in Arciel began here, and it is considered sacred ground.

You may do a Discovery at your own risk, if and only if you are able to Discover the path through the Sequoia Forest first. However, the first and last time a human trespassed on this sacred land, an Ultra Wormhole was opened, so maybe it's best to not.
The Sacred Realm by Jae
Jun 28, 2020 18:49:04 GMT

Sequoia Forest

Thread  A Different Type of Gold
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Sequoia Forest
This forest stretches over a huge swath of East Arciel, but the only reliable path to enter safely heads northeast from Maple. The trees start out large in the southern sections but grow positively gigantic farther north. Giant Pokemon, much larger than even the Huge variants some trainers have, roam the northern forest guarding the Golden Tree. This is a Wild Area, and is automatically Tag- and Injury-Enabled.

Habitats: Forest, Woodland, Jungle
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