Set in the original region of Arciel, Legends Rising is a route-inspired, but not strictly route-based, Pokemon roleplay. Pick a faction, pick a class, and strike out into the wild to take on the League, master Contest coordination, research the mysteries of Pokemon and Arciel, and much, much more. Will you be a classic trainer? A criminal? A farmer? Choose your destiny on Legends Rising.
Out on Route 2, Greer had been caught off guard by the sudden fog that rolled in. It was morning, which they already weren't fond of, and they had just been walking around leisurely. It was a trip out mostly because they had been unable to get back to sleep after waking up for some unknown reason, plus they had intended to get used to some of their newer Pokemon. Overnight, they had let one of their eggs sit in an incubator that had bought once they'd gotten their first egg (and completely forgotten about for that initial egg). Now, they were carrying around that incubator with the pink egg inside.
Now both a little tired and wanting to get to town quicker, they released one of those new Pokemon: a Gliscor. "Hey, Lindsey, you mind giving me a ride?" The Pokemon let out an excited cry and knelt down a bit so that Greer could adjust themselves onto the ground-type's back. Situating the incubator was the difficult part, but they managed to find a safe spot for it tucked between Lindsey's shoulder and their own before nodding. "All right, let's get going! Thanks so much for this, girl." They reached up to give a rub to the Pokemon's head as she stood and they headed off northward.
Off they sauntered and Greer was more than thankful to have found Lindsey. She was much more easy-going than her appearance would generally suggest (because boy was she intimidating at first glance) and having a ride was relaxing in a way. This way they didn't have to pay nearly as much attention to exactly where they were heading, as long as they could trust their mount (which thankfully Lindsey was a smart girl) and this left Greer able to better observe their surroundings without having to worry about other things.
Eventually this allowed their eyes to settle on a bush. A particularly tall bush, though, which caused them to squint a little. "Hey, Lindsey? Is that... a berry bush?" The Gliscor perked up and looked around, taking a moment to notice what her trainer was talking about. Finally, she spotted the snow-covered thing they had mentioned and started off in that direction. Using a claw to gently shake the tree to rid it of the frozen precipitation, both Pokemon and human were pleasantly surprised to find some berries on the plant.
After gingerly picking them, Lindsey handed them over to Greer. "Awesome. Let's keep going. I'm amazed those weren't gobbled up by wild Pokemon. I hope there's nothing wrong around here," they remarked as they put away the berries, checked on the egg and readjusted the warming apparatus. This thought did cause both of them to pay more attention to their surroundings in terms of listening, though. Hopefully there wasn't any trouble near here.
Farther and farther down Route 2 they traveled. Nothing exciting happened after that berry bush and Greer was actually beginning to be lulled to sleep by the swaying of Lindsey's movements. Quite suddenly, though, they were met with a faceful of water and was very awake thereafter. Holy Regice, cold!
Whipping their head around, they found the source came from the oceanfront nearby. A pod of Wailmer! One of them was snickering gleefully, presumably the one responsible for the redhead now being soaked... but Greer wasn't going to mess with this group. Nope, no thank you!
"Get us out of here, Lindsey," they requested of the Gliscor who was looking about ready to show that blue ball what manners were. She stopped, though, at the request, and headed off at a quicker pace to get them to a safer point.
They made it away from the Wailmers and Lindsey slowed down. Sniffing at the air, she slowed to a complete stop and swiveled. "Woah there. What's going on?" Greer set a hand on the incubator, making sure it was safe. Then the Gliscor started to move again, coming across yet another berry bush. Well... that was a surprise and a half!
Greer hopped off her and watched as she munched away happily on some of the dry berries. Reaching out to pick a couple as she gorged herself, they shook their head with a chuckle. "You done?" Looking up, she wiped away some leftovers from her face and looked a little sheepish. "I'm glad you got a snack," Greer reassured her with a pat and a smile.
Climbing back onto her, he checked on the egg and grinned. "Okay, let's keep going!"
Tag: Growing up in a school of older, stronger bullies has given this little girl some serious authority issues. Her trainer will need to roll a 50 or higher to get her to follow any command until she spends at least one (1) training thread learning to trust her trainer's good intentions.
Remoraid Lv8
5 Energy
water gun, helping hand, water pulse, lock-on
Remoraid Lv14
5 Energy
lock-on, focus energy, psybeam, aurora beam
Tag: This Pokemon is a serious bully and will try to take charge of any lower-level Pokemon whenever they are sent out together. He'll need to be humbled by spending one (1) training thread working with him to cure him of this habit OR by being defeated by any lower-level Pokemon outside of training.